
Showing posts from April, 2022

Marriage and the perfect age for it

Marriage  and the perfect age for it Marriage is  the legal recognition of a union between two people and   is often what people in  committed  relationships strive for. It symbolizes  an  “until death do us part”  kind of love  and is a chance at happily ever after that people take despite the odds being against it.   As expected , a  lot of thought and planning goes into marriage. You consider your significant other’s beliefs, values,  and even  how bad their snoring is (jokes). It is typically normal that when people reach a certain age,  family  and friends start asking questions about marriage.  They annoying ly   emphasize  the importance of getting married by putting pressure on us to start taking this step seriously.  And very often  they  share their opinions and views on why or why not  we  should get married .  W hile marriage is the ultimate union of two people, there are a lot of complexities   that comes with it.  People get married for different reasons  including  socie