
Showing posts from July, 2023


Contrary to popular belief, there’s nothing noble about dating a stingy man. We have previously been socialized to think that enduring hardships and making sacrifices (including your own needs & wants) as a woman is the way to go, because it was what earned you respect in communities. This is evident in the relationships of our grandparents and even our parents. And I think most of us can attest that majority of those relationships have underlying issues.   There is a popular perception that wealthy men are dangerous to be with. In two ways: they are more likely to abuse you or are more likely to cheat. And while that may be the case in some people’s relationships, I think that a less wealthy man can also be abusive, cheating and even controlling. What I am trying to say is that all men are capable of harm. I think people should be able to date whoever they want to, as long as it is safe for them, and they are happy.   As I’ve previously written in one of my other blogs,