Feminism Explained


Feminism Explained

By Kirsty Clements

“Be quiet, be beautiful, be smart. But not too smart.” Exclaims the misogynist.

We, the matriarchal force is exhausted by the narrative scripted by society who commands women to conform to their demands. There are standards in place expecting women to behave a certain way, aspire to ostentatious lives, clothe themselves modestly. She is expected to adapt to domestic skills. These conformities are enforced on women from a young age.

All throughout the ages women had one job, which was to find a husband, reproduce and orientate their lives around a family. This meant that men had to produce an income and their wives expected to domesticate the family dynamic. Hence it was reported by Gretchen Livingston that in the USA in the mid-1990s, about one-in-five woman had a child prior to age 20; in 2014 that share had dropped to a significant 13%. This perspective has been around for centuries. It was a way of living, that worked throughout the 1900s.

But why did it work then and not now you might ask. Well, the explanation is quite simple…


Noun: “the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of sexes.”

Women have learned their value! They no longer feel fulfilled by the goals set for them by their culture, their families and society. Women have found their voice! She speaks with a fervour of a new feminine convert. Therefore, allowing her passion to drive her into her fate instead of being led by the demands of everyone else. She is no longer compelled by gender roles. She is now free to part take in mechanical, electrical, and mathematical tasks which enable her to utilize her intellectual capacity and exercise her potential to its maximum.

However, some may argue that the work environment, the ancestorial expectation and society in general has not yet adjusted to inhabit and socially accept feminism and all that it comes with and that much change is still necessary. We examine the work environment of a female attorney. Yes, she has become a lawyer which would not have been the case a century ago. Which is an accomplishment but in todays’ age, it comes with new feminine queries.

“The biological characteristics of men coupled with their demeanor makes them naturally more intimidating when going up against a timid, petite woman in court, therefore creating a disadvantage where their natural aggression beats our passive approach.” This is an experience of a woman who has been in the industry for many years.

Another woman who was amid revamping her house experienced a comment most insulting to her venture. After explaining the finishing, she prefers for her kitchen cupboards, the male contractor said to her “Ma’am, I would much rather prefer to deal with your husband as I believe he would better understand.” She then had to explain to him that he WILL consult her as she is the one paying his cheques!

So, before you exclaim “but women already are equal to men”, consider why women still have to encounter such sexist, subliminal bullying for just being a woman! Consider why she has to go from Miss to Mrs. but he will remain Mr. regardless of his marital status. My argument, in a nutshell, is that women are not yet equal to men. There is still much work to be done. Much toxic masculinity we still need to get rid of. Mentalities that need to be adjusted. Our expectations we have of our daughters and what they should aspire to in their futures needs to be orchestrated by the girls themselves. And us as parents need to trust and respect their decisions as we would our sons. Beware of how you interact with women by giving her doctor or professor title the same respect you would if it were attached to a male.

And us women? We need to continue being a suffragette to the feminist movement and highlighting the subliminal acts against us. Calling out all the unfair patriarchy and the lack of chivalrous acts. And equip the next generation of girls with the knowledge necessary to eliminate the inequality. Because being a feminist means being a woman in your truth and fighting for your cause, dreams and vision and doing exactly as you see fit, unapologetically!


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